Caring for animals is one of the vital values of a person. Respect and care for them should begin from an early age – this principle is firmly adhered to by 9th grade students Daria Petina, Amina Nogai, Wu Su Yong. Their social project was based on the problem of animal cruelty.

To determine the point problem and an effective method of solving it, the students conducted a survey, met with 3rd grade students, held open lectures in a game format. With the funds raised for charity, they bought animal feed and together with the 3rd class visited the city shelter “Ya zhivoj priut”.

“Now we see the rezults of hard work of several months. The girls took over all the organizational activities, I just directed. 3rd grade students and parents also expressed their appreciation” says the supervisor of the project Ardak Khairullayeva.

The social project in the middle classes (MYP) IB is aimed at ensuring that students find their role and place in society, realize their responsibility to others. The project is carried out independently or in small groups under the coordination of a supervisor.