From 29 till 31 of January the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Daryn” held the XIII Republican competition of research works and creative projects “Zerde” among 1-7 grade students in Shchuchinsk. 4 students from our school took part on the competition and had a good time at “Baldauren” camp. The school collective congratulates students with their victories and wishes creativity and success in studies.

Zharasbaev ErsainFuture energyDjusenbaeva К.Zh.І
Adilkan SandiyaPeople’s point of view about the transition of Kazakh language to Latin scriptUakbaeva S.I.І
Karnakova RashidaHealthy tooth paste  Saukatova Sh.К.ІІ
Rakhim AigerymDecorations made of polymer clay  Djusenbaeva К.Zh.ІІІ