On November 23, students of the 4th «A» grade of the International school of Nur-Sultan visited the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Museum of new history of Kazakhstan. It was created by presidential decree of 28 August 2004.

The guide introduced students to historical objects, units located on each floor of the Museum.

The first hall of the Museum began with a map of the vast Kazakh land and the ceremony of taking the oath of the First President of Kazakhstan. Scientific reference, accounting system of systematization and storage of the Museum is equal to the great advanced museums of the world.

Also, learners were able to see archival, written, printed materials of the Museum, film and visual documents, works of fine and decorative arts, weapons, personal belongings and documents of Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Fund of the Museum includes special gifts and ware of the head of state from the countries of near and far abroad, the highest awards of the Head of state from the heads of foreign countries and CIS countries and other items. In addition, the Museum occupies a worthy place in the works of the head of state in many countries of the world and the works of famous scientists.

Especially students listened with great interest to the moments that define the life path of the head of state from a simple Metallurgist to a heroic state leader, about hard work in the implementation of wise decisions.

The cultural visit of students to the Museum of the First President was held at a high level. The excursion was very informative.