To help our students identify their academic goals and aspirations and ensure that it is in line with their larger purpose in life, to enable students to find the perfectly matched course and university through comprehensive admission support and career guidance. We handhold students right from the subject selection, to launching themselves at universities as mature adults.

Students who are in the final years of their middle school and their parents have many such big questions in their minds. A crucial phase of every student’s life is choosing the best courses and universities for their career after 12th Grade. Choosing the right career option is one of the most important decisions that the child and the parents have to take. Parents and students do a lot of research to find out the most suitable course and the best university to enroll.

International School of Astana provides solutions to all these career-related queries of students and parents. The career counselor helps in discovering the potential of the students and advising them the right course. With an increase in the number of opportunities in the market, the importance of career counselling has also increased manifold. Building the motivational level of a student is necessary for long-term success and improving the overall performance of a student. Career Counselling at ISA helps students organize their thoughts and ideas and helps them make the right decision. It is an effort to boost their confidence and morale and provide them with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in their higher education and life after that. Students nowadays have started exploring various options depending on their talent and interest. The right decision at the right time can only make students’ life successful.

Career Counselor: Onal Araylym Maratkyzy