The formation of a positive culture and trusting relationships at school is the number one priority today and such relationships are possible only if all interested parties are ready to cooperate. Our parents and teachers are ready for an open and honest dialogue in the interests of the child.

The first parents forum of the 2021 was held in the International School. It was attended by one parent from each class, the administration and teachers of the school.

In a comfortable atmosphere, parents discussed such important aspects of the educational process as the impact of the load of students during extracurricular time on the psychological and emotional state of the child, accompanying new students during the adaptation period, the development of independence in children and their resistance to difficulties, the role of parents in developing students’ self-organization skills and choosing a profession for graduates. Colorful posters and bright scenes became the culmination of the meeting and showed what a huge creative potential the parents of our students have.

One of the main topics of the forum is the welfare of children. Each of the parties (student, teacher, parent) devoted their speeches to this topic and noted the main aspects of life at school.

In the working groups, parents worked in groups and considered cases that affect students well-being from three perspectives: from the position of a parent, a student and a teacher, and offered their own solution to each situation. The teams, divided according to the seven main qualities of an International Baccalaureate student, not only discussed problems, but also shared personal experiences.

– In the IB program there is such a thing as a “student’s voice”. And at today’s conference, we would like to add two more concepts, these are “the voice of the teacher” and “the voice of the parent.” We believe that high-quality education is possible only with the interaction of school and family,” said the main task of the event at the beginning of the conference, moderator and organizer of the meeting, Deputy director for the academic part in primary school, Tlectes Tleulina.

Strengthening the dialogue between family and school is the main goal of the first parent forum – 2021. We have received a lot of positive feedback from parents and teachers. Based on the feedback, we summarize that the goal of the conference was achieved.