On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the kindergarten employees held a solemn assembly. This day reminds us of the deed of heroes who managed to unite and stand up for freedom and independence of their country, symbolizes the main values ​​of our multinational Motherland – namely patriotism.

The meeting began with the listening to, and singing the Hymn of the Republic of Kazakhstan and playing a clip of the song “Kok tudyng zhelbіregeni.” The head of the kindergarten Zhanat Medet made a congratulatory speech in front of all present on behalf of the management. In her speech she noted: “The main thing is that every person should do his job professionally, then by this he can make his personal contribution to the prosperity of our independent country.” The festive event included an entertaining programme, in which a Methodist, Ms Gulshat Toleuzhanova, took an active part. Everybody was surprised at her confession that she was a participant in the events of 1986, which left an indelible mark in her memory. Gulshat Baitursynovna shared her story, and, in her performance, a beloved by all song sounded. And Raikhan Kanatbekkyzy read a verse dedicated to her native land. Throughout the event, music was played by a young and talented group named “Tengri”. The event created a home-like, family atmosphere and colleagues participated in group competitions, made congratulatory speeches and answered quiz questions with pleasure. Prizes and greeting cards with the image of the flag of Kazakhstan on them became a reward for all. It should be noted that the Kazakh language teacher Miras Uysinbayev conducted the assembly and made his invaluable contribution into it.